Sales Mastermind Full Day Event Recording & Workbook

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The Ultimate Sales Mastermind

Join Brandon Bornancin and his team for an all-day sales mastermind event! Relax in the comfort of your own home and get ready to solve your biggest challenges in sales, business, and life with Brandon for an entire day!!

What is this?

The Ultimate Sales Mastermind is for salespeople, entrepreneurs, and marketers who can't settle for anything less than being #1. This mastermind is an event that includes training, masterminding, problem solving, Q&A, networking + digital workbooks.

How does this work?

This all-day mastermind training, problem-solving, and networking event is designed for an elite group of top-performing professionals, including salespeople, entrepreneurs, and marketers. Participants will receive top 1% training and should have an already established product with aspirations to scale from $0 to $1M, $1M to $10M, $10M to $100M, and even $100M to $1B. The event is specifically tailored for those who possess a strong desire to dominate their market and achieve the coveted #1 position.

Why does it exist?

We created this event because we wanted a place for top performers to share their top revenue generating, business growing ninja-level secrets. We also wanted to collaborate solving our biggest problems, hang out, network and learn from the best performing people in the world. At this level, you don’t have a lot of peers to work with and that’s why we are here. The Ultimate Sales Mastermind is the mastermind where known mastermind leaders come to learn.

When can I start?

Click, "Buy This" and you can participate in the Sales Mastermind anytime, anywhere, at your own pace.

Topics of Conversation

We create a confidential and safe environment at the mastermind retreat that allows you to connect and get answers on meaningful business and personal topics that might be holding you back from achieving your fullest potential and often left undiscussed among peers including topics like...

I can pick up a lot of information on growing my business by myself. Why should I sign up for this mastermind?

If you want to level up your business, you have to be willing to learn from the people that are exactly where you want to be. No playbook or blog post will give you the chance to talk with top industry leaders and hear directly from them what to do and what to avoid on your path to success. 

What are the ROIs for my investment?

If you haven’t reached your goals and have been stuck trying to overcome difficult challenges growing your business, getting the opportunity to work with the experts 1-on-1 who have “been there, done that” and develop a proven strategic execution plan to overcome it so you can move onto the next big milestone for your business is the greatest ROI that this mastermind event offers. 

Additionally, this event can help you take both your professional and personal results to the next level. Maximize the results you’re seeing in sales, marketing, fundraising, recruiting, and management. 

All that being said, maximizing ROI ultimately depends on you and the work you put in. If you go all-in, investing your time, energy, and attention at the mastermind to ask the questions you need addressed and develop the strategies to execute, you can expect to see great results in as quickly as 30-90 days. And you can likely change your life in 6-12 months.


I want this!

The regular ticket price for in-person access to the Sales Mastermind is $997. For just a fraction of that cost, you'll get access to the complete event recording, the accompanying workbook, and perhaps some bonus materials too 😉

SALES MASTERMIND - Full Day Event Access
GIFT - Ewelcome Gift
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Sales Mastermind Full Day Event Recording & Workbook

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